For evangelizing the Central Asia, I believe Mongolia is best place because until now it is no persecution of Christianity.
But recently Mongol government does not want to give NGO visa and religion visa. Mongolia's main religion is Buddhism and Shamanism.
Many of missionaries in MG are NGO visa for mission work, it will be not easy get visa but if your NGO has over 20 local workers.. It is possible to get the Visa...
It means you need to pay money for 20 workers..
When I read the bible, Hebrew Ch 11... there are many names who served the Lord with all there heart. It is called 'believer'... it is true Christianity.
Please pray for Mongolia .. there will be good evangelist for central asia.
Mongolian believers are so strong.. they knew that how can survive at the desert, steppe..
I want to train them for evangelizing Central Asia.
My group is so small but will be Cell...
I don't want to build a big church but to separate every where... for Evangelizing.
Pray for this work, God calls you..
But recently Mongol government does not want to give NGO visa and religion visa. Mongolia's main religion is Buddhism and Shamanism.
Many of missionaries in MG are NGO visa for mission work, it will be not easy get visa but if your NGO has over 20 local workers.. It is possible to get the Visa...
It means you need to pay money for 20 workers..
When I read the bible, Hebrew Ch 11... there are many names who served the Lord with all there heart. It is called 'believer'... it is true Christianity.
Please pray for Mongolia .. there will be good evangelist for central asia.
Mongolian believers are so strong.. they knew that how can survive at the desert, steppe..
I want to train them for evangelizing Central Asia.
My group is so small but will be Cell...
I don't want to build a big church but to separate every where... for Evangelizing.
Pray for this work, God calls you..