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Mongol ulaanbaatar travel

Forest somewhere
once gone
The road
to Urga
Night Urga
(Ulan Bator)
Camp site on the slope
Mongolia - a country of white yurts and drunken, rare individuals peasant sex, tottering between. Country plush, indifferent wandering Bactrian (two-humped camel) and madly rushing cars 4x4, lifted by a yellow comet tails of dust. And also - quite cheerful silhouettes (in the morning) with a single step People evrozadneprivodnoy 2x2 cross ... A bunch of lazy in the heat of sheep and rocks on the edge of the water, after having gorged itself lake fare of birds, as well as the endless blue of the sky - ocean Tengri over his head, the bottom of which is dotted here and there nedogryzannymi skeletons of fallen brothers our smaller bodies and dormant, yet their living relatives. Here with pleasure drink mare's milk (local and non-indigenous - with some caution!) And with genuine pride served steaming, fragrant juice flowing out, gorgeous buuzy - halhinskoy top national cuisine. Its space covered with a web of countless dusty crossroads and bustling intersections of chaotic pattern Homo sapiens from all continents. And time is slow, with the awakening interest in scrutinizing melteshaschie figures on its surface amphibious creatures and smooth movement in lakes underwater inhabitants (if we are to be honest to the end, and under the earth, too - some fumbling in quietly!)
Yes ... Entertaining enough place - this is the most Kyakhta. On the one hand Russia: hills, deep forest, cows graze on the roadside hut on the time warp, dibs on the bench, rebyatnya in dust bathing. The sun overhead sagging hot flashes of ...

- Dad! But Dad!
- What?
- See, in-o-n there ... That one-and-m ... Ladybugs?
- I see, of course. Yes, exactly! That's right! In fact - this cow ... So?
- Oh-oh-oh! Look - look!
- What? What is it? Where?

In a Buddhist
In datsan
- Yes, over there ... In-on-the-t ... And not looking there! Look - Koszul with horns! (However, roadside Koszul was not only with the horns, but even with the big hairy balls!) More ... Kyakhtinskaya Customs ... 300 meters of the border: health control, passport control, border control (Stop! photograph anything is prohibited! Everything around in this place is the border control strategic secrets of the Great Country!) And - customs clearance. Yeah, but ... it to you, my friends, do not go to Europe, dozing! In my opinion, to complete the feeling at this point coordinates of non-Euclidean space is not enough yet, and some outpatient physical examination, combined with the ultimate divine purgatory! However: For everything it took about four hours ... Lucky, they say, has all passed quickly! Well, the border, then shut and - behind. And the future? Glya-and-a ... Ahead ..This Mughal (Mongolia). Slides remained the same, only the forest somewhere once gone. There also happened to - cover the copper basin and light-brown hair Dedkov with attendants. By red-hot-scorched rocky roadside reluctantly hobbled Mongolian Dedkov in a tattered robe with a half-empty half-full bladder in his hand. And the grass peacefully grazing sheep with two chump (it turned out that they had a second head - it up the ass! ... More for the winter, in a sense - a "fat tail" called - the fat-tailed, sheep, then it turned out) mixed with goat creatures. And white tent cocaine mirages trembling on the horizon ... And the silence, but ... Wow ... Only three hundred meters, and what dramatic change! And the people on the sidelines, then scurries more brownish-black-, looking askance at once through narrowed eyes. How the devil had some invisible: it is Christ, and here Burhan. Well, the case-a ...
Route Ulan Bator - Darkhan. Cruising speed of 100 km / h Not bad for a car with a caravan - a house on wheels! But, and perhaps even - good! F-rr! The road crossed the hairy ball lightning.
- Look, look! See that?
- Gopher?
- Yes, there is! Chipmunk with a bald ass!
-? Are you crazy!? Seen ... Seen, of course! So like - it was still the gopher?
- What are you? Exactly tell you - chipmunk. And tail erect.
- Why pop bald?
- So after all raised tail!
- Ah-ah ... A chipmunk why not burunduchiha? Under a hundred go! Time to see how all?

Go for a drive
Gov (Gobi)
Desert Home
- So the tail is raised, I tell you! Oh you!
and chimera
Mantra case
He and She
Reindeer stone
Use the remaining time to the fullest (with lunch move without stops) and wedged departing in the evening, at sunset, in a stream of cars Ulaanbaatar. Driving on Ulan Bator is very different from ours (this is an understatement, actually.) Actually, I think - that the people in Irkutsk very unimportant taxis ... You no culture. But here! No-fa-a me ... Nobody misses. Never! No way! Nobody looks at the traffic lights (except ochumevshih birds!) All signals and shouting, grinning through the open window! Jump up and wag on razdolbashennoy completely road, curbs, and if possible on the edges. In this hectic Bedlam looming figure of potential victims of pedestrian! Between all this poking starving mangy little dog (in my opinion, and people - is not very well fed!) I catch myself thinking that the complete picture is not enough rushing on the roofs of cars screaming scream camels!Shandets! This is a traffic jam? A? Exactly ... Well, yes ... What's it like? At a mess! Now, here it is! The word! Found it! Adapt ... Narrows her eyes ...Understand the basic Mongol rule of the road - there are no rules! Well, what is the same, go ahead! I press on the gas, a continuous signal to the sides and try to brazen interpose everywhere ... where I can and can not! And just in case, which I do not - too! I'm going to ram ... At red lights!Wow! It worked! My name Gastello? All places! Last Parade come a-a-s-t! Shies away from the stream of cars behind the trailer blatantly flounder!Oh's! Light it, scattering!
Quite often along our movement on a dirt, there erected here and there, "About" - in Mongolia sounds like "Ovo." Spiritual place, in our means.Entry point of someone's hopes and aspirations, and the output of sacred Mongolian force. Power and truth - this was clearly known to all: "In vino veritas!" Of course - in the wine. For lack thereof local narodec uses vodka. Its something, dear, here and thumps ... Refuel, then the power you need!But at the same time to show the truth surrounding area - "What a sober mind, then drunk on language." About a seemingly formless heap is piled stones of various sizes. In mid-high pole sticking out (often one) studded with fluttering rags matter. Scraps matter reminiscent of its infinity (matter) and transient state. On the ubiquity of presences "spirit" - like all the rest, which publishes unobtrusive spirit (strewn around and on top of the man-made stone ridge): chewing gum, bottles, bits, cigarettes, candy, buttons, etc. Pass on the tradition to the whole thing always on the right side facing, three times with honked. This, if you do not have time to stop. If you have time, or have a lot of sins, be sure to come out and buhni. And then - all right! Basically, do everything. Our guide, known as Bath, with an indescribable accent:
- Press s'ignal, when you go past the OBO! X'-a-Arashi? Three times!
- Why?
- Nada! So we delat'tsa nada.
- Nah ... I - baptized. I can not! You something - signal, if you like ... You - exactly nada ...
Guide again quietly clapped vodyary (apparently in a roadside cafe had dochirikatsya with Mongolians) and he zahoroshelo. Zablyastel look! Leaned back in his seat and took the pose ... No, Lotus ... A dust storm felled tree steppe, scattered its roots and legs and Haloxylon-arm in the front seat:
- F-z-x-y-z-W-g-u-u-u-and ... - Suddenly mixed with stale kumarnym, dug abrasive buzzing in our neokreshie to throat sound, the eardrum ...Guide (in English, by the way, had always been with the Mongolian accent is quite simple - Gad), who came in good spirits decided to attach us to the culture of Mongolian throat singing. Sound with piercing pain, with sverbyaschim screwing began shaking up our insides and organs ... Remember, the first thought in panic arose at once numb skull - there was some catastrophic flash in the sun! Where am I? Who am I? Who is buzzing? A? Why! For orientation in space - grabbed the steering wheel, trying not to lose control ...
- Yu-u-g-h-s-f-f-f-u-n-th-and-and-and-and-and-and ... - A little better myself, I chuystv-to-BBB-vuyu ... Getting used to ... Thus, the torture continued for several minutes ... Apparently, it attempts to restart our Indo-Mongolian matrices on the frequency of the processor ... Matrix reloaded refused and kept trying to turn the sound off. Yes, but ... not very out ...
- Slyshsh ... Vsihh n'ada kill, but ...
- Who is everyone?
- V'sihh, chuzhyhh ...
- Why not?
- A'ni h'atyat kill us all ... Prih'adyt and ubivat! We are small, and vsihh - mno'ga-a ... Pae'ttama nada their vsih's ubivat!
Animals outliers
Rocky outcrops
Kara Korumovskie
Wall remnants
Ancient remnants
It seems zakuklivanie national psychology small country that is all. Mongolia currently been overwritten between the two giants. From the north country threatens the White King, who always conquered all. (Not now, of course, but still - apprehension remains). From the south - China. Two billion already spawn (most recently, in 1945, the census had them - five hundred million souls) Those who will not yield at all, and just quietly assimilate everything! Everything that moves! (Dzungaria - one of the last examples of this). It turns out - for what they love, then? Neighbors. Yes the rest of that love? (Europeans and Americana for example) Because they are so rich and developed? Yeah, but ... Apparently it is necessary to love themselves and others - ubivat ...
Morning one of the days. 11:00. Follow another UAZ-loaf: it is a local carrier who thoroughly knows the way. During our participation morning rally, climbing to the head any seditious thoughts. For example, what is the UAZ-loaf? What is this? The notion was, whether the shape of the body, something like a loaf of bread, or - from the concept - thump! Yes, but ... I wonder ... Burhan - from what the concept is ... Because poburhanit here - indicates some concrete steps that resemble not a prayer. Suddenly, a passenger rushing ahead UAZ (Czech-teacher) woke appetite, and two of his neighbor gonkongtsa probably also hungry. I had to stop at the first got the local dusty roadside cafes. We sit so-so, sit together at a roadside yurt cafe. Bored waiting for the ordered dishes ... Serenely so bored and curious looks around each other. Fate brought this all together. We are waiting to eat us zamastyryat. Pull out from his pocket a liter ahead of stored moonshine. Satellites are suspicious sidelong glance at the contents of a plastic bottle ...
- Well, we samogonovku?
- Oh? No ... No-no ... Sorry ...
- ...? - My goggles. Come in, all right. Then try a different approach ...
- A whiskey? Viskar you?
- Oh! E-e ...
- Jesse!
- Well, then the first! - And instantly dabble on your mugs viskar-samogonovsky! What are they thinking? 'll Get another bottle, or what? Ha-Ha!And once again - Ha! So, where do I have it?
- Oh's! Good morning went! - Driver-Mongol their UAZ-loaf shrugged Adam's apple and sadly watched the contents of my stoparya, overturned in the throat ... Our companions, not waste time, too, slammed on the first ... (By the way, a little later, they drove to cover from extra eyes of the driver's door open, still has its hundred samogonovki. And it was covered by the satellite-tourists its very good reason - they see nastuchat where it does not, the driver, in turn, on the head nastuchat and fired easily ...)
- Oh-oh-oh ... Gut! - Zagaldeli chehogonkonkskaya company: liked though!
- On-the ... Tse Dilo! In the throat a little charge! Good!
- Time - 10 am! You're behind the wheel, but we still have to go the whole day today! - Alarm raised her my beautiful Mate half.
- Come on. Do not swear ... I'm not a zero to five will ... In total, only - ... liter! Just kidding, just kidding ... Hey, well, so 150 grams zhahnu for mood ... OK? She also see, they and all consecutive Burhan. And nepodryad - also at the same time! Yes, do not worry you! Good ...
of national
of national
of National
However, for the entire two-week trip to Mongolia, we stopped only twice. And then - only a passport check. Right so never and no one bothered to ask.
Reindeer stone
A horse
Oh zhis ...
Departure toilet in Mongolia ... Oh-oh-oh ... This is a great historical saga (ancient pentameter under national throat singing!). Well, first of all: the toilet in Mongolia, by definition, all roadside curb. But! Since around either the Great Steppe, or at least the great desert, go far pointless. Nobody bother, and not coming off. Peasant in general simply turn the housing. By the way, we carried out this visit several typical roadside sign: if a car is on the road and not far from her people on their heels: it means - sending a toilet! If everything is the same, but one of the people lies - car broke down.If the same thing happens on the background of a pile of stones with color and sixth people handful - Burhan! If the car is upside down, and people are scattered around - an accident!
Gold morning
Again mound
Penumbra on the slopes
Another option ... I had to visit the local somehow, fairly decent camping organized for foreign tourists in Ulan Bator. Wow! Division into male and female toilets in the area simply does not exist! I realize, of course, all that is natural, it is not ugly ... But still, those issued M and M mixed sounds not quite evoke associations with harmony ... Some people of course they caress the ear, but not me. Ear I apparently incorrectly arranged! And I'm too shy to utter sounds in front of strangers. Even a piece of paper rustling! Europeans, by the way, quite oprostivshis in these conditions, do not bother about it. Or simply not to show it? And make sounds! The rest of their compatriots in the civilized these physical vibrations in the air at once become blind and deaf and dumb. That's what a good European education ...
Photo Frame
Master class
Money Tengiz
condition of any
bridge Mongolian
Canyon deep in the
ancient lava
More ... We had one day to visit the nearest wooden toilet at roadside camp. I open the door ... All, as we have in the village. Just another hole in the floor. More ... Just - Abyss! From the word - the abyss! About half a meter in diameter, probably. What kind of banner you need to have to put your feet on the edges. Or should sit like a bird on the edge of a precipice. The gulf here - no problem. If you fall, even the edges are not hooked! But there are advantages - it is simply impossible to miss the mark! Another toilet in a roadside cafe ... Another revelation Orkhon ancient land. Opens the door to have some fear ... I. .. That's it! Sex as sex. Only one board is, and the other does not. And so - the whole floor! Knocked over a par! Zebra!It is important here not to slip. It is on this note, it is time to complete a minor subject. Enough already. Although there were certainly harder and options ...
The road ... We were told before the trip that there are no roads in Mongolia! There is only one direction. That "neither here nor there," "neither there nor here," and indeed, panymaesh ... I speak in sound mind and consciousness of the road there! And they - nemeryannom! (I mean - no one took it!) As close to the main track, there are at least a dozen quite beautiful groomed roads. In principle, the official length of roads in Mongolia can be safely increased by an order of exaggeration in that there would be no. By the way: stories about the Mongolian way heard at customs.
Rides, rides, rides on the Mongol UAZ-loaf on its mongoletskoy road. Almost asleep ... Suddenly - Bu-u-CC! Beat in the radiator! Loaf stalled. Middle of the road - a hefty boulder, bigger size UAZ. - Uh-huh? - Hurd-Burda ... Out. Ducks. E-et-mv-b! Move it to the side. Behind the wheel, and then again - going-going-going ... Until next stone ...

Noodles dried
Layout Lake
Tsagaan Nuur
5 degrees
Tsagaan Nuur
Quickly things
are dry
Here is another road supervision - especially national drive. Let's go-go-go ... Steppe big. Boundless. In the distance looms (choice Mongol konyazhka, camel, etc.) In short, someone far telepaetsya to their desired daily activities. And whatever you do, as it does not turn, and did not act - the result is: you are sure to intersect with it! In the empty steppe! And here comes the next moment of truth. In Mongolia, no one never misses. And at the last moment before the inevitable counter-attack is not trying to avoid a collision. Culture is different. Better for them, perhaps, to death than hand you the way! Or what is worse? Recoil, deflect, braking, etc. - It is now just your destiny ...
Mongolian cuisine quite unassuming. But rather convincing in its simplicity. Horhog, buuzy, mare's milk and tea (Mongolian: with butter and flour, seasoned with salt). In fact, just about anywhere in the main course is available only noodles with lamb (fresh or dried). Many dishes on the basis of dairy products. Tried all sorts - quite sedobno. It is caused by food probably as scarcity of the surrounding vegetation which grows and nomadic way of life. Dishes based on the oven, tandoor, oven and cauldron - completely absent. It is surprising that with such an abundance and availability of animal meat that country is not generated anything like the barbecue or grill. And also: fish, poultry, all, mushrooms, etc. eat not. Much - not, and the rest - is not growing! How could that be? Dilemma! So, after a couple of days food in Mongolia is becoming quite monotonous and start swirling in your head all sorts and different gastronomic fantasies.
Another group of roadside yurt. Near kids bathe in the dust. Well im in the sun! Before them whiter exposed Bottle freshest kumys. Seeing that we have to brake, jump small agile smeared crazy. Racing sweep naperez under coach-foot wheel, piercing something with screaming. That cry not tell of course, but the meaning and so clear - buy! Kapite! Stopped. Rolled down the window and, taking a plastic bottle with the contents, filed lucky Tugri 5000. A moment of not thinking a three-year (by type), small fry - the girl-seller diligently counted the change.
-!? Stroke considered as delivery. Those guys themselves! Money already in thousands of counts in full growth. Cool! No way - Kovalevskaya of her future work!
- N'et. He does not shield um'eet. M'alenky he i'schscho. He d'engi color makes!

The most revered
in Mongolia Transportation
Pours from the sky twitter
ships in the sky is
in the white sails
Yurts huddled
in the valley.
clouds swinging
their hips
By magic
- evening smoking
Rock paintings
At the bottom of the ocean Tengri
The door to the Aziopu
Yeah ... It's actually - revelation. Everyone knows that there are different mathematics: elementary mathematics, the highest there etc.


이 블로그의 인기 게시물

원카드 게임 하는 방법

원카드는 일반 포커카드로 하는 게임으로 보드게임의 우노게임과도 비슷한 점이 많습니다. 우노카드는 비싸던데.... 차선으로 원카드로 게임해도 좋을듯 합니다. 참고 네이버 지식에서 ,,,, 아래 출처있어요. 1. 처음에 카드를 몇장씩 가질지 나누어 가진후 남은 카드 더미를 중앙에 놓습니다.    카드 더미 위에서 한장을 바닥에 뒤집어 놓습니다. 2. 순서를 정하고 차례대로 한장씩 내려놓습니다.(3번의 규칙에 따라서 내려 놓아야 합니다.)    단, 내려 놓을수 없을 때에는 엎어져있는 카드더미에서 한장을 가져옵니다. 3. 여기서 주의할 점은 아무 카드를 내려놓는 것이 아니라 바닥에 뒤집혀 있는 것에 같은 무늬나 숫자를 올릴수가 있습니다.  예) 바닥에 ♣6 이 있으면 ♣ 아무 숫자나 ♥♠◆6을 내려 놓을수 있는 거죠.  단, 조커를 포함 할떄는 조커는 아무 때나 사용할 수 있습니다. 4. 이때 J는 점프(다음 사람을 건너뜀). Q는 빽(돌아가는 순번을 Q가 놓는순간 반대방향으로 돌아감)     K는 한장을 더 내려 놓을수 있는거죠.    5. 각 지역마다 조금씩 다를수도 있지만 숫자에도 의미가 있는게 있습니다.     각 무늬의 7은 숫자 상관없이 무늬를 지정할수 있습니다.    예) ♥7을 내려놓으면서 클로버라고 하면 ♣무늬가 되어서 다음 순번에 ♣를 내려 놓아야합니다.     또 5번에 의미를 두는 지역도 있는데요. 5번은 숫자를 정할수 있습니다.   예) ♥5을 내려 놓으면서 8이라고 하면 ♥8과 같은 효력이 있습니다.     다음 사람이 하트를 놓거나 다른무늬의 8번을 놓을수 있지요.   이...

5월의 몽골 날씨

 춥다. 몽골의 5월은 .... 음 한국의 11월 말 과 12월 초 의 겨울 초입의 날씨 같으면서도 더 춥기도 또 어떤때는 덥기도 하다. 그래서 옷을 어떻게 입어야 할지 고민이다. 하지만 진리는 있다. 경량패딩을 꼭 준비하라는 것이다. 더운 날씨도 밤되면 기온이 뚝 떨어지고 새벽녁에는 정말 춥다. 몽골의 5월은 먼지 바람과도 싸워야 한다. 마스크가 이때 정말 필요한것 같다. 몽골의 5월은 한국에서 생각하는 것과 사뭇 다르다. 아직도 초원은 겨울 잔디마냥 녹색이 없어 보이지만 실제로 가까이 가서 보면 한국의 3월처럼 싹이 올라 오는 것을 볼 수 있다. 이게 막 자라면서 올라오려면 6월은 되어야 하고 비가 시기 적절하게 내려야 한다. 정말 비가 시원하게 내릴 때마다 초원의 색이 변하는 것을 많이 봤다. 비가 제때 내리면 언덕꼭대기까지 푸른빛으로 녹색의 향연이 보이지만 그렇지 않으면 제한적이다.  2023년 5월의 몽골은 비가 좀 더 내려야 한다. 이대로 가면 윈도우 바탕화면 같은 초원의 푸르름을 느끼기에 부족해 보인다.  꼭 구글에다가 울란바타르 일기예보를 쳐 보시라. 가끔 최저기온이 영하로 내려감을 볼 수 있다. 춥다는 얘기다. 하지만 낮에 가끔 20도 이상 올라가기도 하는데 ... 현지인들 중에는 반팔도 입지만 나는 결코 반팔을 입지 않는다. 다만 반팔에 경량패딩이나 패딩점퍼를 덧 입고 더우면 벗고 입고를 반복한다.  몽골여행을 원하신다면 제발 6-7-8월 이 세달중에서 고민하시라. 5월이나 9월이나 이때 오시면 몽골의 아름다움을 절반밖에 못 느낀다고 본다. 4월이나 10월은 그냥 겨울이라고 생각하고 .. 이래서 몽골여행이 쉽지 않다. 몽골의 비행기값이 젤 비싼 때가 한국의 여름 휴가철이다. 7월말 8월초... 백만원 생각하면 되는데 이돈내고 오기 참 거시기 하다.  올해는 더 많은 관광객이 올 것으로 예상되는데 몽골 여행 오실때는 여행자보험 하나씩 꼭 들고 오세요.

몽골의 4월 날씨는 어떨까? How is the April's weather in Mongolia

몽골의 4월은 .... April in Mongolia 먼지바람 때문에 아주 힘든 계절입니다. It is so hard because of dust wind... 지나가던 사람들이 침을 퉤퉤 뱉어요. 처음에는 이런 아무데나 침을 뱉네 했는데 곧 제가 그렇게 하게 되네요. 입안에 온통 꺼끌거려 뭐가 씹혀요. 아주 불쾌함. 몽골사람들이 그래서 봄을 싫어한데요. 차라리 겨울이 좋다네요. 참 애매한 계절입니다. 어떤 분들은 4-5월에 여행이 어떻냐고 하시는데 정말 비추입니다. 추천하기 어렵죠. 먼지 바람만 마시다 가야 하고 캠프도 열어놓은 곳이 별로 없고요.  즉, 여름 손님 맞이 준비로 바쁜데 가도 고생이죠. 요 풀들이 파랗게 옷을 갈아 입습니다. 겨우내 눈 속에서 있다가 눈이 걷히고 땅이 말라가고 있는거죠. 봄 햇빛도 강렬합니다. 바람까지 불어 ... 아주 건조해 지죠. 날씨가 풀리면 속에 수분까지 있어 새로운 새싹들이 올라옵니다. 5월 중순부터 올라오기 시작합니다. 6월 초순에는 그래도 좀 괜찮은 편이고요. 6월 중순.. 말부터는 본격적인 여름 성수기 랍니다. 유럽 배낭족들이 많이 옵니다. 지나가던 사람들이 또 차를 타고 가다가도 이런곳이 있으면 그냥 지나치지 않고 저 밑에 돈을 꼽아 놓고 소원을 비는 사람들 참 샤머니즘이 강합니다. 그래서 그런지 몽골 불교는 샤머니즘과 결합된 형태입니다. 4월의 초원을 가다 보니 저런 양인지 염소인지 머리뼈만 있네요. 늑대가 양들을 잡아 먹기도 하고요, 유목민들이 먹고 들판이 이렇게 장식해 놓습니다. 중간 중간 만나는 양떼들... 수흐 바타르 라는 러시아 국경 도시를 갔었습니다. 토요일이었는데 왠지 조용한,,, 박물관을 가 볼까 했는데 이런... 문이 닫혔어요. 주변 환경을 보면 전혀 박물관 같지 않아요 하지만,,,, 뮤제이 라고 러시어로 써 있네요... ...